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Autor: Jens-Uwe Hartmann and Dieter MaueAAV 35 (2022) | Strony: 39-130 |


Tytuł w języku angielskim: A Sanskrit-Uigur Fragment of the Tridaṇḍamālā in Brāhmī Script: Re-edition of TT VIII D


The subject of this article, a manuscript rediscovered during the First Prussian Turfan Expedition, was the first sample of the then unknown Uigur variety of the Brāhmī script, whose decipherment was greatly facilitated by its bi-linguality, with Sanskrit as the source language. Though a whole series of scholars have dealt intensively with the text, it has not been possible to assign it to a specific work. Recently, however, a parallel has been found in the Tridaṇḍamālā, a collection of ritual texts in forty chapters, each consisting of a sūtra framed by stanzas. The fragmentary Sanskrit-Uigur bilingual preserves part of chapter 5. Here, the text of both languages is edited, translated and commented on (§ 3), preceded by the history of research (§ 1) and a short introduction to the Tridaṇḍamālā (§ 2), followed by the graphematical profile of the manuscript (§ 4) and glossaries (§ 5).

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