Autor: Yihao Qiu | AAV 36 (2023) | Strony: 199-228 |
As an aspect of the linguistic landscape in the Mamluk Sultanate, the role and career of Mongolian speakers remain open to discussion. Through analysis of the primary sources of various genres from different parts of Mongol and post-Mongol Eurasia, this article overviews the Mongolian language and its speakers in the circle of Mamluk Sultan’s Court. Furthermore, compared with the Persian and Chinese sources, I try to point out the similarities of Mongolian education in the Mamluk Sultanate and the Mongol Empire. In addition, the complexity of the relationship between language acquisition and knowledge of Mongol history will be discussed.
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Abbreviations and primary sources
ah. Anno Hegirae, in the year of the Hijrah.
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