Autor: Katarzyna Marciniak | AAV 36 (2023) | Strony: 115-157 |
This paper presents a new edition and translation of the chapter Mālinī-vastu as preserved in the Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit text Mahāvastu, together with a grammatical commentary and some notes on the structure of this chapter. The edition is based on the oldest manuscript of the Mahāvastu, the so-called ms. Sa, which often offers better readings than those proposed by Émile Senart in his editio princeps of the text from 1882–1897.
Abhis. = Die Abhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ: Verhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins, herausgegeben, mit der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von Seishi Karashima, unter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber, 2012. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica XIII, 1–3. 3 vols. Tokyo: International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University.
BHS = Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit.
BHSD = Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary; New Haven, 1953: Yale University Press.
BHSG = Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar; New Haven, 1953: Yale University Press.
BhV = Sanskrit Bhaiṣajyavastu in: The Vinayavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivādin, Gilgit Manuscripts, ed. Nalinaksha Dutt, vol. 3, pts. 1–4. Srinagar 1942, 1943, 1950. Delhi2 1984: Sri Satguru Publications.
CPD = A Critical Pāli Dictionary, begun by V. Trenckner, ed. D. Andersen et al., Copenhagen, Bristol, 1924–2011.
DP = A Dictionary of Pāli, by Margaret Cone. Oxford 2001–: Pali Text Society.
Mv = Mahāvastu.
Mv(KM) = The Mahāvastu. A New Edition, ed. Katarzyna Marciniak. Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica XIV, 1–2. Tokyo: The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University. Vol. III: 2019. Vol. II: 2020.
MW = Monier-Williams, Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford 1899: The Clarendon Press.
Na = ms. Na – the oldest extant paper manuscript of the Mahāvastu.
Norman CP = Norman, Kenneth Roy 1990–2007. Collected Papers. Vol. I: 1990. Vol. II: 1991. Vol. III: 1992. Vol. IV: 1993. Vol. V: 1994. Vol. VI: 1996. Vol. VII: 2001. Oxford: Pali Text Society. Vol. VIII: 2007. Lancaster: Pali Text Society.
PDhp = Cone, Margaret, “Patna Dharmapada: Part I: Text”. Journal of the Pali Text Society 13 (1989): 101–217.
Pkt = Prakrit
PTSD = Rhys Davids, Thomas William and William Stede, eds. The Pali Text Society’s Pali-English Dictionary. London: The Pali Text Society 1921–25.
PW = Böhtlingk, Otto and Rudolph Roth. Sanskrit-Wörterbuch, 7 vols. St. Petersburg: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1855–1875.
Sa = ms. Sa ‒ the oldest palm-leaf manuscript of the Mahāvastu.
Sen. = Le Mahāvastu, texte sanscrit publié pour la première fois et accompagné d’introductions et d’un commentaire, par É. Senart, 3 vols. Collection d’ouvrages orientaux; Seconde série. Paris 1882–1897: Imprimerie nationale. Repr.: Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyū-Kai, 1977.
Skt = Sanskrit
s.v(v). = under the specified word(s)
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